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Financial Services Law Insights and Observations

OCC to Host Workshops for Community Bank Directors in June

Agency Rule-Making & Guidance OCC Risk Management Vendor Management

Agency Rule-Making & Guidance

On June 20 and 21, the OCC will be hosting two workshops in Nashville for directors of national community banks and federal savings associations supervised by the OCC. The June 20 “Credit Risk” workshop will focus on ways to identify trends and recognize problems within a loan portfolio. In addition, the workshop will discuss board and management roles, how to stay informed of changes in credit risk, and how to effect change. The June 21 “Operational Risk” workshop will focus on the key components of operational risk, and also cover governance, third-party risk, vendor management, and cybersecurity.

Additionally, from June 26 to 28, the OCC will be hosting a “Building Blocks for Directors” workshop in Atlanta for directors, senior management team members, and other key executives of national community banks and federal savings associations supervised by the OCC. The workshop will: (i) focus on the duties and core responsibilities of directors and management; (ii) discuss major laws and regulations; and (ii) provide insight on the examination process.