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Clint Rockwell Quoted in American Banker Article, "Banks Likely to Gain FHA Relief Under Foreclosure Servicing Settlement"

Clinton R. Rockwell

Partner Clint Rockwell was quoted in the American Banker article, "Banks Likely to Gain FHA Relief Under Foreclosure Servicing Settlement," by Kate Berry.

Clinton Rockwell, a partner with the Buckley Sandler LLP law firm, said a release from liability could be "a good thing" for banks — depending on the nature of the remaining settlement terms.

"Loss mitigation and treble damages issues are certainly on everyone's radar screen as a big deal," says Rockwell, whose firm represents banks. "But it all depends on the structure of a settlement. Does the fact that HUD is making this deal mean only some aspects of servicing are covered, but not underwriting? And how would that affect other branches of the federal government? It's certainly a moving target."

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